“Light Fields” are floor plane placements whose elements are made from plans, in castings of recycled type-metal or modified (carbon-negative) concrete. Unattached but contiguous elements appear as a single mass … an elevated plane carefully positioned and illuminated. Surveying a placement from different perspectives a viewer’s observations of boundaries, alignments, and reflections offer eclipsing appearances of form, light and place.

A boundless Universe of gravity and light holds us timeless and centerless. But with each human’s unique capacity to unify through perception, imagination, point of view and sense of balance we can open ‘a center of vision’ (William Blake) - our unique field for creative seeing and identity - our time and place.

(Gravity - Light ) (Vision - Place) .

Images are selections of developmental drawings, computer models, maquettes, and plans.  4 realized sculptures in lead/antinomy and concrete castings are shown. My thoughts were that drawings and plans could become progressively digitized leading to precise molds for castings or directly machined with CNC.